Marlo’s Blog – The Long Haul (06/15 – 06/17)

We have officially begun the second leg of my summer long geoguessr training camp. Not to toot my own horn, but for a while I was in the top .003 percent of geoguessr players. For those who are unaware (ignorant), geoguessr is a game where you are placed in a random location on google earth and you have to guess on a map where you are. Guessing geography. Geoguessr. It’s pretty self explanatory. But anyways, I am oddly good at the game, and whenever I go to a new place it is like unlocking a new part of the world that I can instantly recognize.

So within 46 straight hours of travel, including two flights and a day’s worth of driving, I added western Turkey, southern Kenya, and northern Tanzania to my repertoir. I was going to gloss over the number 46, but given that I’m still feeling the effects of it, I’m going to shift gears. Our travel including 45 minutes of driving to the airport, several hours waiting in the airport, 12 hours flying from Houston to Istanbul, 5 hours waiting in the airport again,  7 hours of flying to Nairobi, several hours of driving to the border, an hour and a half trying to cross the border, several more hours of driving, an hour in a mall in Arusha (about 15 minutes of which was dedicated to a bunch of kids wanting to hold my hand), and then (shocker), several more hours of driving. 

It was, as you might imagine, completely exhausting. But between the amazing dinner we had at the lodge and the Zebras and Giraffes we saw as soon as we left the Nairobi airport, I felt I had nothing to complain about. And so here I am, not complaining. Anyways, talk soon xoxo

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