Marlo’s Blog – 06/21/2024 We Set Up Cameras In The Woods!?!?! Not Clickbait!

Okay, so yesterday (actually a few days after I’m writing this) I made a joke about my tummy hurting. It is no longer a laughing matter (though it may still range in silly goofy), as I ended up having to see the doctor as soon as we arrived at Olduvai last night. And even though she supplied me with electrolytes and the biggest acetaminophen I’ve ever seen, I still woke up not feeling great.

But if I’m anything, I’m not a quitter, so I did what all intelligent people would do in my situation and pretended it never happened. So in the morning, we drove about an hour to Olbalbal lake where we set up an experiment with camera traps. The goal is to determine if distance from water has an impact on various measures of animal diversity. I’m excited to see the results.

I only learned how to spell Giraffe on the drive to back to Nairobi #thanksmckenna

The girls are fiiighting


After that, we had the afternoon off so we spent a lot of the time brushing the cm of dust which had accumulated in our tents and moving them to an area when dust wouldn’t accumulate again. Spoiler: it worked.

After that point, I started getting pretty sick again and everything became a bit of a blur. But again, don’t worry about me cause I’m writing this from the future, and I know things get better. Anyways x

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