Okay, so I’m realising that I mixed up my days, and the portal into the past I wrote about yesterday was actually the afternoon of the 25th. So just reference that if you want to know what my afternoon was like.
This morning, McKenna, Alex, Caroline, and I embarked on a side quest with Dr. Charles (none of us know his last name, sorry Charles). Our task was to scan a large transect for bones, except this time, the bones were modern. In a 200x200m area, I only flagged like 4 bones. And at least one of them was definitely dried poop. But after that was the fun part. As it turns out, the four of us are really, really good at collecting, bagging, and geotagging bones, because according to Dr. Charles, we finished the section faster than they ever had before. I think I’m going to attribute it largely to the fact that I spent last summer getting REALLY good at keeping a GPS upright and level for indefinite amounts of time. And while I wasn’t operating a GPS here, it was a very similar system of holding a stick level. Which is evidently my calling.

Myself, McKenna, and Charles watching a bunch of goats wander through the line that we were supposed to be looking for bones in (Photo Credit: Alex Little)

Me following Charles around with the prism like a Labrador with a stick. Fun fact: I burnt only one part of my skin on this trip, and it was the tops of my hands from holding that stick upright
Anyways, the afternoon was covered yesterday in much more fancy prose. Don’t really know why I did that. It took forever and is by far my shortest non-sick blog. Oh well. Goodbye x