Author Archives: age5

Anna’s Blog: Course Reflection (7/2)

Hello World, Writing my final blog post, I sit in Houston reflecting on my time in Tanzania. The iconic mega fauna were just that. Seeing them in the wild was otherworldly. Many of the herbivores such as zebras, wildebeest, impala, … Continue reading

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Anna’s Blog: Travel Day(s) Back to USA (6/28-6/30)

Hello World, Today’s entry is all about the journey back to the States. The two days of travel have begun. As I write this, I am sitting on a Turkish Airlines flight across the Atlantic Ocean. This flight is the … Continue reading

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Anna’s Blog: Final Day in Olduvai (6/27)

Hello World, On this final day in Olduvai Gorge we did a mixture of things. We started the day by collecting some fossilized long bones in a gully of the gorge. The goal of collecting the long bones was to … Continue reading

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Anna’s Blog: Bone Survey (6/26)

Hello World, I felt like a true scientist today! Along with 3 other students, a graduate student, and Dr. Charles, we ventured out beyond the Olduvai research camp by 20 minutes around Shifting Sands to get to a watering hole. … Continue reading

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Anna’s Blog: Poop Transect and Shifting Sands (6/25)

Hello World, The group began the morning by heading out to a dried up watering hole (it is the dry season here) that was about 30 minutes from camp. We split up into groups of 3, and attempted a small … Continue reading

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Anna’s Blog: Geology and Tooth Survey (6/24)

Hello World, The theme of today was geology. David, the geologist at the camp, presented the class with a diagram of the bed numbers and layers of soil we’d be seeing out in Olduvai Gorge. He revealed that the lower … Continue reading

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Anna’s Blog: Olduvai Gorge Tour (6/23)

Hello World! Today was the first day of archeology based study at Olduvai Gorge. Because it was a Sunday, we spent the day doing a chill tour of the museum at Olduvai and some of the field sites that Manuel … Continue reading

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Anna’s Blog: Serengeti National Park (6/22)

Hello World, Today came straight out of a BBC documentary! I can now say that I have spent time in the Serengeti National Park. We rose with the sun and set out for the Serengeti with high hopes. It took … Continue reading

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Anna’s Blog: Olbalbal Cameras (6/21)

Hello World, Today was our first ecology lab in Olduvai Gorge. We brought 6 game cameras with us from Houston in efforts of getting evidence of species richness in the area. Our area of interest was lake Olbalbal. The lake … Continue reading

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Anna’s Blog: Ngorongoro Crater (6/20)

Hello World, Day 6 was spent in the largest caldera in the world! The group was off to Ngorongoro Crater early in the morning in order to get through the crowded front gates. At the gate, we were greeted with … Continue reading

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