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2024 Alcelaphini Alex Anna Birds bones bone survey Bovini Cape Buffalo Carina Caroline Pollan Ecomorphology Elephants excavation fossils giraffes Herpestids hyenids Isabella Isotopes Istanbul Kamden O'Connor Large Felids Lion Marlo McKenna Milton Ngorongoro ngorongoro crater Olduvai Olduvai Gorge Phytoliths Pre-departure Primates Reduncini Rhinocerotids rose Serengeti small felids Suids Tanzania taphonomic bias profiling teeth vivian wildebeest
Author Archives: cap15
Caroline’s Blog: June 21: There is Dust in my Eyeballs
Today’s mission was to set up 6 camera traps in the Olbalbal floodplain to answer a scientific inquiry. After much deliberation, we came to a consensus on the following question: How does proximity to the Olbalbal lake impact the species … Continue reading
Caroline Pollan June 20 Lost Track of the Days – The Caldera
Today in crater we saw many animals and also some plants We went to a national park The hyenas, they did not bark Baboons are scary We were quite wary And set up our tents before dark Today’s blog post … Continue reading
Caroline’s Blog: Day 3: Elephants and Waterfalls
I think one of the best parts of Tanzanian food (besides soup) is tea. Every morning I wake up excited for tea. I love it. Bright and early we woke up, breakfasted, and loaded up into the vehicles to drive … Continue reading
Caroline’s Blog: Day 2: First day in Africa!
Today we woke up bright and early and I got my first look at the surrounding savanna in the daylight. It is unbelievably picturesque, rolling away into the distance and bordered by distant mountains. During breakfast I noticed a tree … Continue reading
Caroline’s Blog: Day 1: Travel
My 56 hours of travel began bright and early, 3:00 AM Boston time, when I woke up and frantically checked I had everything packed before flying to Houston. The flight was alright, and I landed in Houston excited to see … Continue reading
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Caroline’s Blog: Pre-Departure Blog
I am not sure what to expect from this trip – I am certainly very, very excited, but also quite nervous. I am for sure expecting to learn a lot, to go outside my comfort zone, and to experience a … Continue reading