Category Archives: Olduvai Gorge

Rose’s Blog Day 11–Not An Ode to Bones

There was a period during my youth (freshman year of college) when I was decidedly pre-med. Coincidentally, this was also the period during which I first encountered my friend, the tooth person. During this period, I shadowed an emergency medicine … Continue reading

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Rose’s Blog Day 10–I Dig You ;)

Finally, what you all have been waiting for: the day that I discover a new hominid fossil. Well, not yet, probably not ever, but today was our first day of getting down in the dirt and excavating. Something about it … Continue reading

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Marlo’s Blog – 06/27/2024 Bones and Existential Panic

Hey, what is up YouTube, welcome back to another Minecraft video. Today, we are exploring the new update, which includes TAPHONOMY. And of course, it wouldn’t be a Minecraft video without some more digging, but we’ll get back to that … Continue reading

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Rose’s Blog Day 9–I Feel Poopy

Yet another comparison of Houston to Tanzania–in Houston, it’s hardly a surprise to see a few dozen pieces of litter within eyeshot. Even in the bayous, which we are so proud of, it’s not unusual to see more trash (and … Continue reading

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Rose’s Blog Day 8– An Ode to Teeth

I made a friend a few years back, during my freshman year of college, who wanted nothing more than to be a dentist. We bonded in a lecture hall for general chemistry at eight am each day as she confessed … Continue reading

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Marlo’s Blog – 06/26/24 Chat, Is This What Heaven Is Like?

Today was a good day because today I got to dig. On a fateful day in 2012, my uncle, who was probably just sick of hearing me yap, handed me his iPhone and let me play the new game he’s … Continue reading

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Marlo’s Blog – 06/25/24 We Go On A Side Quest

Okay, so I’m realising that I mixed up my days, and the portal into the past I wrote about yesterday was actually the afternoon of the 25th. So just reference that if you want to know what my afternoon was … Continue reading

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Marlo’s Blog – 06/23/2024 I’m too sick to be funny

This is going to be a short one. I was pretty sick all night, didn’t get much sleep, and I was still sick in the morning. Dr. Sara (queen) gave me a probiotic and the largest acetaminophen I’ve ever seen … Continue reading

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Marlo’s Blog – 06/21/2024 We Set Up Cameras In The Woods!?!?! Not Clickbait!

Okay, so yesterday (actually a few days after I’m writing this) I made a joke about my tummy hurting. It is no longer a laughing matter (though it may still range in silly goofy), as I ended up having to … Continue reading

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Alex’s Blog: Buckets of Bones (6/25)

This morning, the professor from UNC Greensboro offered to take four students along to assist with his field work. Marlo, McKenna, Caroline, and I threw elbows and burned bridges to get in on his project. Not actually, but we did … Continue reading

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