Category Archives: Pre-Departure

Africa? More Like Awesome! – Kamden’s Blog: 06/14/2024

I am going to be honest and say that I am really nerding out about the termites for some reason, and I VERY much hope to see their high mounds and the plants which grow well with them. They are … Continue reading

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Caroline’s Blog: Pre-Departure Blog

I am not sure what to expect from this trip – I am certainly very, very excited, but also quite nervous. I am for sure expecting to learn a lot, to go outside my comfort zone, and to experience a … Continue reading

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Kacey’s Blog: Predeparture – 6/14/2023

Hello! We are leaving for Tanzania tomorrow, and I still need to run to Target. I took a long nap today and missed my Target-running window. However, I am super excited for this trip, and (besides my Target run) I … Continue reading

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Alex’s Blog: Pre-Departure Thoughts

Hello! We are leaving for Tanzania tomorrow, and I am getting quite excited. I’m looking forward to not only visiting new parts of the world but getting to learn about them from a (paleo)ecological perspective. Studying both modern and paleo-environments … Continue reading

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Marlo’s Blog – 6/14/2024

Yesterday, as I sat in the Chicago O’hare airport eating Auntie Anne’s Mini Hotdog Pretzels at 7:30am, I found myself thinking “the trips started, I should probably start reflecting.” But, since Chicagoans apparently find it appropriate to keep their airports … Continue reading

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McKenna’s Blog: Pilot Episode

I leave for Tanzania tomorrow! It’s only just now starting to sink in, and it may have something to do with my fully packed bags by the door and the malaria pill in my stomach. Posting this blog entry means … Continue reading

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Rose’s Blog: Trepidation- A Pre-Departure Reflection

Terror Reflection Excitement Preparation(?) I need to pick up my mosquito net from REI today Dreading the 19 hour flights Anticipation Tentative confidence Inquisitive Optimism Nature-deprived   As I write this, there are two days until our little BIOS 323 … Continue reading

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