Category Archives: Returning to Houston

Rose’s Blog Day 13–Are Y’all Mormons or Something?

I LOVE ISTANBUL. SO MUCH. SOSOSOSO MUCH. The stereotypes are all true: there are THAT many stray cats here. The mosques are beautiful, and you can’t turn a corner without running into another one. The ice cream? Mind blowing. The … Continue reading

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Rose’s Blog Day 12–Once Upon a Time We Traveled Uneventfully

Unfortunately, that was not how today went. Not in the slightest.  We started our days early, waking up before the sunrise to pack up our tents–a bittersweet goodbye. Will I miss the dust? No. Will I miss it there? I … Continue reading

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Marlo’s Blog – 06/28/24 On The Road Again

I’m currently writing this on my flight on July first from Houston to my home town in Michigan. Unfortunately I am once again sick, so this probably isn’t going to be as detailed as I want it to be. Our … Continue reading

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Alex’s Blog: The Journey Home (6/28-6/30)

In the wise words of my mom, the journey home was a “helluva trek.” We started on our way Friday morning at 7:30 am. With clear eyes and full hearts, the BIOS/ANTH 323 crowd did not know what we had … Continue reading

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Kacey’s Blog: Travel Day 11 6/28/24-6/30/24

Hi blog. The past few days of travel have been chaotic but so much fun. When we first departed from Olduvai Gorge, we drove straight to Arusha to move our luggage from the cars onto a bus. The car I … Continue reading

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Surfing the wave of adventure all the way home

I awoke on my last morning in Tanzania to the sweet words of Kamden as he said, “Rise and shine maggots.” We all held our noses as we packed away our camping gear, and then we got into the Land … Continue reading

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