Tag Archives: Birds

Caroline’s Blog: June 28: The Two Landcruisers (Road Tripping)

It’s road trip o’clock, my friends. Time to hop in the land cruisers, take some motion sickness meds, and soak in the scenery before we leave for Turkey and say goodbye to Africa! We packed up our tents in the … Continue reading

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Caroline’s Blog: June 27: The Fellowship of the Stone Tool

There once was a cat we named Rabies He was the cutest of babies We’d like to give pets But he’s seen no vets We’ll save cat cuddles for Istanbul, maybe We started off our morning bright and early with … Continue reading

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Caroline’s Blog: June 26: Reconnecting to my Hominid Ancestors (I used a stone tool)

Pelarovis were quite large and horned Silvetherium was, by large osocones, adorned Parmularius ate grass with teeth built to last Not Giraffids, though, who browsed between thorns   Quote of the day: “The hat man is a giraffe” Today we … Continue reading

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Caroline’s Blog: June 25: Of Wildebeest Bones and a Strong Wind

Dry, scattered bones of the Wildebeest Leftovers from the carnivores’ feast Through goats and through wind We flagged, labeled and binned One hundred eighty six bones at least Quote of the day: ”A limerick a day keeps the diarrhea away” … Continue reading

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Caroline’s Blog: June 24: The Tooth Collector

Today I was a scavenging bird I dug up teeth from an ancient herd They once grazed and browsed Then in stone they were housed By ash, dust, and stone tools obscured   Quote of Day: “What did you get … Continue reading

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Caroline’s Blog: June 23: Early Hominid Time

In Olduvai, they dig up old tooth bones Alas, there’s no service for our phones Ancient humans carved tools Turns out they weren’t fools Now we tell their stories from sharp stones Quote of the day: “A triscuit for the … Continue reading

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Caroline’s Blog: June 22: Tales from the Endless Plains

The Serengeti is amazing Large ungulate mammals love grazing Gazelles prance and bound And run all around To care for cute calves they are raising We woke up today at 5:30 for an early breakfast (with tea, of course!). The … Continue reading

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Caroline’s Blog: June 21: There is Dust in my Eyeballs

Today’s mission was to set up 6 camera traps in the Olbalbal floodplain to answer a scientific inquiry. After much deliberation, we came to a consensus on the following question: How does proximity to the Olbalbal lake impact the species … Continue reading

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Caroline Pollan June 20 Lost Track of the Days – The Caldera

Today in crater we saw many animals and also some plants We went to a national park The hyenas, they did not bark Baboons are scary We were quite wary And set up our tents before dark Today’s blog post … Continue reading

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Caroline’s Blog: Day 3: Elephants and Waterfalls

I think one of the best parts of Tanzanian food (besides soup) is tea. Every morning I wake up excited for tea. I love it. Bright and early we woke up, breakfasted, and loaded up into the vehicles to drive … Continue reading

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