Tag Archives: Isotopes

Milton’s Blog: Course Review and Wrap Up (7/2)

I found that the animals we observed in the wild behaved generally as you would expect based off the information you read in textbooks or have heard from other personal accounts. One surprising behavior to me was that I noticed … Continue reading

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Milton’s Blog: World Traveler (6/29)

One lesson I will surely take from this trip is that very little sleep, a very early wake up, and a very long flight are never a good combination. Unfortunately, those were the cards dealt to me for our flight … Continue reading

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Milton’s Blog: Slow and Steady Wins the Race (6/28)

Bye Bye Olduvai! Today is the day that we head out of Olduvai Gorge and make the journey all the way back to where this trip first started. Before we can get allllll the way back though, we first have … Continue reading

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Milton’s Blog: The Bone Collector (6/27)

If there is one simple name I could be called today, it would be the bone collector. We started off our day back at the gulley where we initially gathered teeth, but this time, we were looking for fractured bones. … Continue reading

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Milton’s Blog: Helping with Dr. Egeland (6/26)

Today, I had the opportunity to conduct field research with another professor at our research station. I spent the morning with three other classmates (pictured) and Dr. Charles Egeland at a nearby field site known as OT2 (Olduvai Transect 2). … Continue reading

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Milton’s Blog: Skulls, Scat, and Shifting Sands (6/25)

Sweet, sensational, or supreme. These are all ways you could describe today. In all seriousness though, this may be a bit exaggerated to help with the “S” alliteration theme of today’s blog. Now, without further ado please allow me to … Continue reading

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Milton’s Blog: Ancient Dentistry (6/24)

Today, it’s all about teeth. Not about my teeth, not about any human’s teeth, not about any ancient hominid’s teeth, but it’s about ancient animal teeth. For today, we are visiting a gulley in the Gorge that has an abundance … Continue reading

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Milton’s Blog: Relaxing (and learning) in Paradise (6/23)

Just like Bon Jovi once said: “Ohhhh we’re halfway thereeeeee”. I am actually not sure if this is the exact halfway mark of the course, but today is the day when we switch our focus from ecology to anthropology. I … Continue reading

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Milton’s Blog: Some Bogies in the Serengeti (6/22)

Good Morning Alpha Team. The Calvary is up and moving at 0530 this morning. (Hopefully this reference makes a bit more sense with context later in the post). Today, we are heading to Serengeti National Park which is a bit … Continue reading

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Milton’s Blog: Out on the Town (Olbalbal) (6/21)

Rise and shine! Today is our first morning and full day at Olduvai Gorge. Over here, breakfast everyday is at 6:30am which is a bit earlier than I am used to. However, it was very cool this morning to be … Continue reading

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