Tag Archives: Istanbul

Anna’s Blog: Travel Day(s) Back to USA (6/28-6/30)

Hello World, Today’s entry is all about the journey back to the States. The two days of travel have begun. As I write this, I am sitting on a Turkish Airlines flight across the Atlantic Ocean. This flight is the … Continue reading

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Kacey’s Blog: Travel Day 11 6/28/24-6/30/24

Hi blog. The past few days of travel have been chaotic but so much fun. When we first departed from Olduvai Gorge, we drove straight to Arusha to move our luggage from the cars onto a bus. The car I … Continue reading

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Caroline’s Blog: Bonus June 29/30: The Return of the Cat

We arrived in Istanbul after our seven hour flight in the early afternoon! After a few rounds through various securities, customs, passport checks, and bag collecting we loaded up into two taxis and headed into the city! Despite having had … Continue reading

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Anna’s Blog – Travel Day(s)

Hello World! Greetings from Tanzania! It took about 46 hours of travel, but we are finally here. The group of 14 took 2 bus rides, 2 plane rides, and a long dirt road to get to the Ecoscience Lodge just … Continue reading

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