Tag Archives: McKenna

When nature calls for a course review and wrap-up

After exploring a wide range of African savanna and forested ecosystems, I have learned a lot about the native fauna and the land on which they live. Animals in Tanzania have to live with a mix of species, humans, and … Continue reading

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Surfing the wave of adventure all the way home

I awoke on my last morning in Tanzania to the sweet words of Kamden as he said, “Rise and shine maggots.” We all held our noses as we packed away our camping gear, and then we got into the Land … Continue reading

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It’s a bones day baby

Last day at Olduvai Gorge! Dr. Manuel started our morning by giving us a quick briefing on different kinds of bone breakage and modifications by carnivores and hominins. With our brains filled with new knowledge, we headed over to the … Continue reading

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Tachycardia in Tanzania

Good morning starshine, the earth says hello! Today marks the first day in history that Rice students have assisted with archaeological excavations at Olduvai Gorge! We headed over to site BK, a 1.35 million-year-old site with lots of megafauna fossils, … Continue reading

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Human Quadrat – IT’S ALIVE!!!

I got to work with an Olduvai research team today! Marlo, Caroline, Alex, and I joined Dr. Charles and Alaz on the eastern Serengeti plains surveying a site for the remains of carnivore kills. If you’ve ever watched a nature … Continue reading

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Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it’s off to dig we go

Let it be known that being brutally awoken by stomach cramps and a non-solid bowel movement is not a very fun way to start your morning. Alas, I must regretfully report that the status of my digestive health has turned … Continue reading

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Consider me a paleoarchaeology girly

Today starts the part of this trip where I am completely out of my element. I came into this class knowing nothing about paleoarchaeology, but what I’ve learned today has really opened my eyes to a new interest of mine. … Continue reading

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The lion definitely sleeps tonight

I am excited to announce that the new campsite setup is fantastic! The wind has got nothing on us now, and the sand stayed on the ground where it belongs. The Dune experience was cool for one night, but I’m … Continue reading

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Party in Olbalbal (neck must be >5 ft to enter)

Happy World Giraffe Day!! Our first night at Olduvai was a rough one. We set up camp in the windiest spot possible and all got an inch of sand in our tents. But we have all started the Olduvai skincare … Continue reading

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Ngorongorassic Park

Woah, do you smell that?? It’s the smell of adventure. And my adventure today started with a visit from the hat man. I had sleep paralysis for the first time in my life. I rate my experience 0/10, highly do … Continue reading

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