Tag Archives: Olduvai Gorge

Anna’s Blog: Olduvai Gorge Tour (6/23)

Hello World! Today was the first day of archeology based study at Olduvai Gorge. Because it was a Sunday, we spent the day doing a chill tour of the museum at Olduvai and some of the field sites that Manuel … Continue reading

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Alex’s Blog: Buckets of Bones (6/25)

This morning, the professor from UNC Greensboro offered to take four students along to assist with his field work. Marlo, McKenna, Caroline, and I threw elbows and burned bridges to get in on his project. Not actually, but we did … Continue reading

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Alex’s Blog: We’re Diggin’ (6/26)

I excavated a 1.4-million-year-old stone tool today. No big deal. We spent today at Olduvai’s BK dig site – one of the original sites excavated by Mary and Lewis Leaky, the archaeologists who discovered the Gorge. Each student was assigned … Continue reading

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Alex’s Blog: Sunday Funday at Olduvai (6/23)

Today, we got an introduction to the paleo archeological work occurring at Olduvai Gorge. Dr. Manuel showed us around the Olduvai Museum, explaining to us the evidence of human and environmental evolution throughout the past six million years. The coolest … Continue reading

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Alex’s Blog: Hanging out at Olduvai (6/21)

The first night of camping was not kind to us. We got struck with unusually strong winds, which gracefully (violently) picked up all the sand surrounding us and kindly (abrasively) placed it atop us as we slept in our tents. … Continue reading

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