Tag Archives: Reduncini

Carina’s Blog: Post Trip Reflections & Wrap-Up

Sometimes there are big questions that cannot be answered. In this course, especially, I’ve gotten to explore that. How did we get here? Why? What caused us to become human? What even is a human? All of this I’ve been … Continue reading

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Kacey’s Blog: Day 8 6/25/24

Hi blog. Today was very eventful. We started the morning by learning how to conduct transects. We separated into groups of three and used quadrats that were two feet by two feet and we placed them every ten feet of … Continue reading

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Carina’s Blog: Transit Part Two – 6/28-6/30/24

Time for the long journey home! Land Rover -> bus -> airport shuttle -> plane -> another airport shuttle -> another plane -> Rice shuttle -> car ->-> home! This started with packing up the safari vehicles and hitting the … Continue reading

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Carina‘s Blog: Olduvai – 6/27/24

Continuing our survey of the gulley near Castle Rock, I found a huge amount of animal bones. Our goal for today was to search for evidence of hominin and carnivore damage including tooth marks, punctures, and cuts from stone tools. … Continue reading

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Carina‘s Blog: Olduvai – 6/26/24

This is the day we all became archaeologists. We actually got to participate in ongoing excavations, which was insanely cool!! We excavated at the BK site in the side gorge, and my work area was at level four, which is … Continue reading

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Carina‘s Blog: Olduvai – 6/25/24

Today started with some ecological fieldwork at Olduvai Transect II, which encompasses a semi-wooded area with a watering hole that’s active during the wet season. It also overlaps with Maasai herding grounds, so we met a lot of goats (and … Continue reading

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Carina‘s Blog: Olduvai – 6/24/24

Bones! Tools! Rocks! We explored some of the gorge and searched for animal bones and stone tools, which were scattered everywhere. Our specific focus for today was collecting fossilized animal teeth, bringing them back to the Olduvai Museum, and attempting … Continue reading

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Carina‘s Blog: Olduvai – 6/23/24

Morale is low. People are falling to the sickness left and right. More than half of the group has felt unwell during the trip so far. Most of my problems are cold-like symptoms, which were at their worst this morning. … Continue reading

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Carina’s Blog: Serengeti – 6/22/24

*some images may be graphic* SERENGETI!!! Today we spent almost 15 hours in Serengeti National Park. Some areas lived up to the “endless plains“ name, with no trees within sight. Other places in the park had scattered trees or standing … Continue reading

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Carina’s Blog: Olduvai & Olbalbal- 6/21/24

Turns out pitching a tent near the edge of a cliff has pros and cons. Pros: incredible view of the gorge and mountains, perfect for sunsets. Cons: way too much wind, resulting in a thick layer of dusty silt blanketing … Continue reading

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