Tag Archives: rose

Rose’s Blog–Looking Back (and Forward)

The drive from the Rice campus back to my apartment, though short, was a swift jolt back into my daily life. As soon as I sat down in my car, the entire trip seemed like a dream. But what anchors … Continue reading

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Rose’s Blog Day 13–Are Y’all Mormons or Something?

I LOVE ISTANBUL. SO MUCH. SOSOSOSO MUCH. The stereotypes are all true: there are THAT many stray cats here. The mosques are beautiful, and you can’t turn a corner without running into another one. The ice cream? Mind blowing. The … Continue reading

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Rose’s Blog Day 12–Once Upon a Time We Traveled Uneventfully

Unfortunately, that was not how today went. Not in the slightest.  We started our days early, waking up before the sunrise to pack up our tents–a bittersweet goodbye. Will I miss the dust? No. Will I miss it there? I … Continue reading

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Rose’s Blog Day 11–Not An Ode to Bones

There was a period during my youth (freshman year of college) when I was decidedly pre-med. Coincidentally, this was also the period during which I first encountered my friend, the tooth person. During this period, I shadowed an emergency medicine … Continue reading

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Rose’s Blog Day 10–I Dig You ;)

Finally, what you all have been waiting for: the day that I discover a new hominid fossil. Well, not yet, probably not ever, but today was our first day of getting down in the dirt and excavating. Something about it … Continue reading

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Rose’s Blog Day 9–I Feel Poopy

Yet another comparison of Houston to Tanzania–in Houston, it’s hardly a surprise to see a few dozen pieces of litter within eyeshot. Even in the bayous, which we are so proud of, it’s not unusual to see more trash (and … Continue reading

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Rose’s Blog Day 8– An Ode to Teeth

I made a friend a few years back, during my freshman year of college, who wanted nothing more than to be a dentist. We bonded in a lecture hall for general chemistry at eight am each day as she confessed … Continue reading

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Rose’s Blog Day 7– Writiten on the Roaod

Hellof to m8yy loyal treadership– todcay’s entry is writteh from our tru8sty aLandf Cruiser on an extremely (yet not exceptionally) bummpy road. We are departing forom a lodge (also, itonically, cvalld “Olduvai Camnp,” though we are quite literally rcampinin Olduvaio … Continue reading

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Rose’s Blog Day 6– A Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor, Following great reflection and analysis, I would like to propose several revisions to the latest edition of “The Serengeti Kama Sutra.” While its descriptions of the dogs and missionaries that were historically present in the area are not … Continue reading

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Rose’s Blog Day 5–Let Me Be Blunt

There is a certain demographic of people who enjoy camping. Not glamping, not pitching a tent in the backyard, but camping. That demographic of people could be described as enjoying “Type B fun.” However, I believe that even that would … Continue reading

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