Tag Archives: Tanzania

Anna’s Blog: Travel Day(s) Back to USA (6/28-6/30)

Hello World, Today’s entry is all about the journey back to the States. The two days of travel have begun. As I write this, I am sitting on a Turkish Airlines flight across the Atlantic Ocean. This flight is the … Continue reading

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Travel Days (June 15-17): The Long Haul – Vivian

The trip to Tanzania has been a long one. With over 18 hours spent on grueling flights (especially stressful for me since I get airsick easily) as well as a five-hour layover in Turkey, by the time we landed in … Continue reading

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Kacey’s Blog: Predeparture – 6/14/2023

Hello! We are leaving for Tanzania tomorrow, and I still need to run to Target. I took a long nap today and missed my Target-running window. However, I am super excited for this trip, and (besides my Target run) I … Continue reading

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Marlo’s Blog – 6/14/2024

Yesterday, as I sat in the Chicago O’hare airport eating Auntie Anne’s Mini Hotdog Pretzels at 7:30am, I found myself thinking “the trips started, I should probably start reflecting.” But, since Chicagoans apparently find it appropriate to keep their airports … Continue reading

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