Tag Archives: wildebeest

Alex’s Blog: Buckets of Bones (6/25)

This morning, the professor from UNC Greensboro offered to take four students along to assist with his field work. Marlo, McKenna, Caroline, and I threw elbows and burned bridges to get in on his project. Not actually, but we did … Continue reading

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Kacey’s Blog: Day 8 6/25/24

Hi blog. Today was very eventful. We started the morning by learning how to conduct transects. We separated into groups of three and used quadrats that were two feet by two feet and we placed them every ten feet of … Continue reading

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Kacey’s Blog: Day 7 6/24/24

Hi blog. Today was so cool! We started the day with a short lecture from David about the layers of rock that we would find at the Olduvai dig site. I learned that the LAS layer is fossil rich and … Continue reading

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Kacey’s Blog: Day 3 6/20/24

Hi blog. Day 3 was definitely a doozy for me. I woke up, had breakfast, and immediately felt sick to my stomach. We had breakfast at 6 am after max 5 hours of sleep, so when we drove that morning … Continue reading

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Rose’s Blog Day 2–Mom I Saw a Wildebeest!

It’s about time my blog entries circle around to my assigned taxon for the course: Alcelaphini. If you don’t know what that means, it’s okay! I didn’t either! Alcelaphini (also known as Alcelaphinae) is a tribe/subfamily/whatever you want to call … Continue reading

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